831 Walnut Lane
Chester Springs PA
Harry "Spike" Cowan
Anthony Tuski
Timothy Parrott
Public Works
Want to report an issue with a road? Township roads are maintained by either the township, the state or are private roads. For a complete listing click here.
If it is a township road, email us or call us at 610-590-5300
If is is a state road, contact PennDOT at 1-800-FIX-ROADS
If it is a private road, contact your HOA
If there is a blockage on any road in our township, please contact us immediately at 610-590-5300
The Public Works crew has the right to enter, use, and maintain the right of way to help improve motorists sight. Right of way is generally the edge of property along a Township road; measured from the center of the road, its width varies from 33 ft - 50 ft wide. Trees, boulders, stones or fences are hazards and should not be placed in the right of way.
Depositing or leaving snow in public roads restricts travel lanes and causes snow and ice accumulation. These actions are prohibited and homeowners are subject to fines.
Vehicles must be removed from all on-street parking spaces (including cul-de-sacs). Snow removal around mailboxes is the homeowner's responsibility. ​Please refer to Ordinance 2004-201 Prohibiting Ice and Snow onto Public Streets. Questions or concerns about snow removal can be directed here
Before starting any work that requires digging, remember to call the Pennsylvania One Call System at 1-800-242-1776 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
You must give at least three days notice before beginning your project. They will notify the phone company, cable company, water, electric etc. to mark the lines. Note that phone and cable lines are often within 6 inches of the surface. Power digging equipment should not be used within 24 inches on either side of the markings.
The Township does not provide any sewer or water services. Some developments have public water and/or sewer and are serviced by Aqua America. Click here to see if your road has public water or sewer. If you are having water issues, you will need to contact a plumber. If you are having sewer issues, you will need to contact a septic servicer.
The Public Works Department provides essential services needed to maintain the Township's infrastructure.
Public Works staff manages the maintenance of Township-owned roads, facilities, signage, drainage and storm issues, and snow and ice removal.
Where’s my plow?
All of PennDOT's roughly 2,200 owned and rented plow trucks are equipped with Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) systems, which use in-truck technology to log and share data in real-time for that truck. The routes of these interstate and expressway trucks can be viewed in real-time at 511PA.com.
Please note that our township plows are not equipped with AVL, so the only way you can track our progress on township maintained roads is looking out your window.