Historic Commission
Frank Best
Mark Ashton
John Grablewski
Rhonda Marks
Tom Williams
Peter Moran
Brian Lacey
Michael Cosentino (Building Code Officer, Barry Isett)
The Historic Commission Meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Township Meeting Room or Zoom as needed or determined by applications.
The Historic Commission has been formed to provide and assist the Board of Supervisors and all other Officers of the Commissions, Boards and Committees of West Pikeland Township in the integrity and protection of the historic resources of West Pikeland Township and matters relating to Article VII, Section 804-Historic Protection Overlay District of the West Pikeland Township Zoning Ordinance 2005-201.​​​
The next meeting is:
The public is invited to attend. Please enter via the lower courtyard.

America250 Chester County Events
On July 4, 2026, communities across the nation will celebrate the 250th anniversary of our great nation. Planning for celebrations and commemorations is underway NOW, at the federal, statewide, and local levels.
CC250's overarching goal is to promote interactive, inclusive, compelling experiences to commemorate and celebrate America’s 250th anniversary throughout 2026. CC250 initiatives shall help Chester County communities and visitors encounter the many ways in which
Chester County participated in and influenced our nation's past, and elevate ourunderstanding of our continuing journey to build a more perfect union.
Visit our page often for updates on events both in West Pikeland Township and throughout Chester County.